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A member registered Feb 28, 2019

Recent community posts

I really love this concept! honestly playing uno it did always feel like the cards favored someone over another and now its true! the music was nice and chill and the gameplay was simple but really fun

this is a really wonderfully done game! its so interesting learning more about the user as you choose your options. I honestly got attached to them and wanted to choose all the most positive messages I could to steer them in the right direction. it made those ending posts feel really satisfying knowing I helped

could use some more polish but a very fun puzzle mechanic that I haven't seen much of before

good fun! wish it had more levels this is definitely the kind of puzzle game that has a ton of potential 

Wow! I was blown away by how fun this was! Normally I feel bad for the frogs and other creatures that get squashed in this kind of game but this was just endlessly amusing. the music was also perfect and the goofy death sound effects made the whole experience even more enjoyable

This was a ton of fun to play and very creative! I especially liked the ending level that was a twist I wasn't seeing coming and I actually laughed out loud upon entering the room

fun and more unique take on the concept. it can be really tense and strategic since there's no telling what number you or your enemies could get next. with some extra polish and perhaps a boss I could easily see this as a game id buy.

very fun and unique game! im a big fan of yahtzee personally and twin stick shooters so this was good. could easily see this being a purchasable game with just some more polish and controller support. great job

Really fun and addictive! The mechanics are unique but still understandable. Great polish! If this game had a whole line of enemies increasing in difficulty that you could defeat (like yugioh) and some more types of dice to roll I would happily buy this. Great job!

Wish the game was longer! Really fun concept and good execution. would love to see this game made into a full puzzle game 

This is the best game in the jam that I've played so far. its so addicting and fun. the presentation is perfect and the music is wonderful. honestly, if this game had a bit more polish, some more levels, and controller support I would buy this. Great job. The only complaint I have is that it is hard to tell when an enemy or the player is damaged. a simple red flash/red coloring on either would fix this though.